Contemporary Individualism
Life Inspires
Home is our individual life-path, our unwavering identity. The goal of our lives is to manifest self-knowledge and understand our true nature. Home is our relationship with the creator, through intuition, wisdom of ourselves, regardless of spiritual affiliation, and there will never be anywhere quite like it. We must learn to be honest with ourselves. Who we are—our energy—communicates with our surroundings. Communication is the breath of connection, therefore who we are, and our situation is directly related.
The truth is not appealing to the majority; however, dishonesty is outdated and the root of all our society’s problems. The freedom we lack, is the ability to think for ourselves and condition our own minds. Become a master of intentions. Liberty is freedom of schedule, in actions and thoughts. In liberty, we find our identity; in identity, we find balance. We forget our divine nature in ego and longing for titles.
We prosecute our neighbors for lack of empathy and clip our own wings. We crucify ourselves in short-term gratification, forfeiting our balance in over consumption and addiction. Depression and anxiety are direct results of lacking identity; lustful desires for intimacy, technology, and intoxication rob our society of joy. We become lost in searching for home outside of ourselves; however, people and places often lead us back to our paths.
To find our way home, we must focus on only the truth; to find the truth, we must forfeit any preconceived opinions we hold of the world or ourselves. The opinions we find impossible to let go, define our identity. However important these ideas are to us—they are still only opinions and do not define anyone’s existence but our own.
We are all blessed with everything we need, and so divinity is present in our perspectives; it is only when we fail to realize our blessings that we feel abandoned by God: afloat with no anchor or compass. We should never be proud of our blessings, rather humble and open-minded toward transforming them into a shareable entity. Everyone is at a different point of their life path; many people are still in the business of finding themselves, while others are on course to mastery.
Our energy is the language of divine communication. Enlightenment is the realization of who we are, without judgement, attachment, and expectations. To know oneself fully is the only form of success. Imagination is the clearest form of communication we have with our creator and art is the fruition of such communication. Therefore, the purest form of art is that which breathes the essence of its creator. Our use of love, truth, discipline, open-mindedness, and art is a doorway back home. All types, all beliefs, artists leave bits of their soul in each creation.
Why do we try so hard to be like others or even accepted by them? The people who surround our lives often have similar paths or maybe even identical paths for a short distance, but we are here to enhance one another’s lives, not copy them. Any time we walk along someone else’s path for too long, our mood reflects this absence of home. There is no place like understanding the deep unspeakable truth about love and love making: a sacred exchange of energy.
Infinity is one; it would fail to exist without each of us. Everything ever created is connected in the web of infinity. To be completely unique is the highest compliment of our existence, because only then will we fulfill our individual role in the web of limitless possibilities. To mirror others weakens the self. We are not here by chance; each step brings us closer to our truths, paths set forth by our ancestors before us. I revel in my opportunity to be different. Infinity and God have no definitions other than themselves. We must escape labels due to their limiting factors. Nudity and divinity are synonymous.
We are born forgetful from the time we leave our mother’s wombs and forfeit our divinity. To find poise, we must practice nonattachment and be grateful of our skilled forgetfulness. We cannot escape this body and therefore must accept its burdens and forget them in the manifestation of joy. We find our truest selves in the depths of our darkest hour. Pry the nails from my palms and see through my experiences. It is impossible to heal ourselves in the same setting we became ill.
Recognize each breath as a vessel into the eternal now. It is an honor to live as the essence of our ancestors: the strength required for them to survive, channeled into our lives. We must not only live in the moment, but for it. I long for discipline in every aspect of my life. There is no love until we love ourselves.
If Love is true, we will realize so on our own schedule, through our own experiences. The purest form of love is one that is unconditional. There is abundant power in creating love: love for self, for others, for our journeys. Each life is a light of unspoken significance. Love each action and see the world shift in our favor. Growth happens at a different rate for everyone, in every situation. Love exists outside of space and time, and that is our only hope.
I am a visionary, a poet, and a pirate; my art is my redemption. To live in liberty is a life of action in pursuit of our goals. We must let go of the expectations we hold of what is to come and commit fully to the journey of becoming the energy we are meant to be. Everyone is to be different; everyone’s story: their identity, their home. There is no going back, only forward.
Living in the now is being with God and therefore home. To be still and one with nature, we must first be comfortable in ourselves. The purpose of life is the journey, therefore there is never an end, only growth and decay: of being, of beliefs, of habits and patterns. We should practice nonattachment in every aspect of life. We can redefine ourselves through our habitual thoughts and actions.
To speak and write with confidence, we draw from a stream of divine consciousness and realize the message is not our own. The love and connection we hold is our understanding of home. The door of enlightenment must open, and boundless consciousness will flow through us, for the good of all beings. Everyone’s life is a message; those who realize this live a message of love and equality. My message is more: one of salvation. Fulfillment is found in action. The next breath is not guaranteed, so align each one with your message.
What is the answer? We are; but we are no one’s answer but our own. However, others may find their answer through our example. I have seen inner peace; I know inner peace; home is becoming inner peace.
Our reason for living is home, and when we are there nothing is as fulfilling. Wanting anything is never enough; desire alone is the root of all suffering. We must be the things we desire. It is that simple, be what you want in the world. A goal without a plan is merely a dream; therefore, give plans to dreams and achieve goals through action. Dream so pure that those around you adopt the dream as their own, then manifest it into reality together.
To create anything, one must first manifest the vision in the mind’s eye; dwell in the details, so when the opportunity presents itself there is a sense of familiarity. Creativity and love are synonymous in the fact they both increase when used. Divinity is a rabbit-hole, the farther one goes, the deeper it becomes. All divine practices share this attribute. In using love, compassion itself grows; in using imagination, creativity increases; in using strength, we gain endurance. The more we do, the more we can do. Only actions which drain our energy have limited resources, hence why they need us.
The question of purpose is simple yet cannot be answered simply. Divine purpose is born in individuality and there is nothing more singular than one’s imagination. My purpose is to create, discover, and preserve art from around the world. Contemporary Individualism urges artists to use a style which breathes the essence of their existence and transcends practice of specific arts to the role of Art in our society. We must become the most authentic version of ourselves as an art form and spread a message of growth in truth, for art’s sake.
The patterns we notice in ourselves are the vibrations of our presence. In one action, reflect all other actions. Nothing belongs but the differences we make. That which a person holds onto, defines them. I am a poet, but I am not even attached to my words, for if my words dissolve, it will be through transcendence and my art will adjust. The ultimate practice of nonattachment is refusing to claim even one’s thoughts with faith in our existence.
There is no time like the present: the gift of creation. Everything happening in the universe moves with its individual reason, granted by the Great Artist. We must appreciate our role in fulfilling supreme consciousness. What role will you play in eternity? I will lead people to know themselves beyond their own existence: to turn to art, to create, to appreciate, and to love art for its own sake. Art is my purpose. Creation is divine; appreciation is divine. Art is intentional effort toward divinity.
One who masters change dances through adversity, but I do not desire to be a “changed man,” rather not even a man at all, but an energy undefinable by man’s language. Divinity exists absent a name and therefore no name will capture the weight of its existence. Words are the closest invention humans possess to define divinity, mostly through descriptions of nature and art. Words are the building blocks for everything we know. The light is pure, naked of titles and expectations and judgement and attachment.
Everything beautiful and true is art and the essence of divinity. The poets’ calling is to align words with that which is unnamable, unknown, and unborn. The beginning and the end rests in the truth, Truth rests in darkness, for it is the only light. God desires nothing, but gifts us with peace in our hearts if only we know ourselves. Art is the presentation of love.
Emptiness is the essence of divinity, for even the empty is full of opportunity. Creation and beginnings are only known by God but shared with empty minds. my wandering mind leads me across a blank page, and neither are ever the same. I sew sails from empty pages and my imagination casts off. Growth is found only in truth. Vision is the ability to see with the mind’s eye that which is not yet visible in physical form.
There is no best interest apart from living in the now; appreciate and dwell in the current realm as often as possible. Time is irrelevant, yet timing is everything. We must master living in the present, living in our bodies, living in our minds. Once we master ourselves, the universe will open at our feet. Do not rush to achieve dreams but recognize the dream in the process of accomplishing goals set forth along the way.
There is no heaven until one knows hell. Everything we go through is mandatory to our success. Life is not about changing one another, it is about acceptance of one another and growing together. Pain and pleasure are from the same root and serve the same creator. Both are tools of the soul and aid in aligning the mind and body. When balanced, we sway the path of our existence; we control the world we live in, by going deep within ourselves to the point we no longer exist as individual beings, rather individual interpretations of God.
Transcendence will only come about in discipline. Discipline is uncomfortable and in it, our paths are carved. To know one’s self and one’s divine path are different stages of self-actualization. We will never be lost, if we hold a vision of our paths, for it is there we are located. This path is our home. One who knows their path, knows their creator—is one with their creator.
The best poems arrive on their own schedule. Every thought is a poem, but if it is dissected too thoroughly, it is only an autopsy of letters and intentions. No matter what some people will never respond.
We create the temple which we worship in, the body which we live in, and the dreams which we travel through. Mastery of self begins with control over desires. Desire is the death of tranquility. Happiness seems insane to a society who has created fake happiness. Only one form exists but is reflected in everything through either its presence or absence. In solitude Love moves me to my path. My love is pure in Her name. Not to say our situation is easy, but the love is pure and boundless. There is only one kind of love—that which is real and that which is not and therefore not love.
It is the human condition to cling to what we know, regardless of its validity, especially in times of uncertainty. Question everything. There is no right answer, only the one that fits our individual perspectives. Any definition is but an agreed upon pattern. Opposites are identical in nature but differ in degree; relation and possession are opposites, realize relation possesses love and possession relates to it.
I dwell with myself, in myself. I live a poet’s life and will die a poet’s death, which means to live forever. What is the most important thing in our lives right now? Our current breath. Each day is an eternity of darkness when we have never experienced the light. To find home within ourselves is the highest honor we can pay our creator. We must not latch to who we believe ourselves to be, rather we should constantly observe ourselves and our circumstances to develop fresh ideas in relation to our experiences. Lacking confidence is a sign we do not trust our creator; to respect ourselves and our creator, we must breathe an air of confidence. Lacking confidence is a direct result of overthinking.
How many times will our dreams allow us to pass on them before they quit presenting themselves as opportunities? We waste time, precious time, on thoughts we’ve had before. Action aligns focus, intentions, and discipline. Focus, set intentions, develop positive patterned actions; everyone’s path is unique.
For deep joy, we must understand deep agony and with empathy take on the worlds pain and suffering; strive for depth in every aspect of our lives. One at a time we relieve the world of its negative connotation around the cloud of divine presence. We must accept anything that results from our actions. There is no other way to find peace of mind. We get what we are in the world and we are the alignment of our patterned actions and thoughts. Eventually everything will fall into place, but only if it has a place to land.
The concept of Today is the definition of eternity; Heaven and Hell refer to levels of consciousness. Awakening is to realize we are infinitely large and small in a single breath. We all must sacrifice the lives we know for the opportunity to live as our truest selves. Those of us who are aware of our identity transcend normal life of suffering on earth.
I will listen to you and accept your pain, if you promise to listen to me and accept my unconditional happiness. Really, nothing else matters. Walkabout Redemption is about helping people help themselves through my thought process. My story is not about me, rather the love I find along the way. By living on ground level with my experiences, I empathize with those around me and recharge myself in our connection.
I trust in my purpose and am confident when death finds me, the work I will have done up to that point will be the means of my existence. As my body dies, my soul’s purpose is eternally fulfilled, and I live on. Death is only evolution; growth and decay exist simultaneously. If we welcome death every day, it becomes easier to live in the present moment. Be calm and trust your message has not yet found its conclusion; if it has, be grateful for the tale you’ve told.
Contemporary Individualism promotes the significance of art, love, and self-knowledge in our society. We live in the Age of Awakening and there is a vast abundance of people longing to understand the truth of themselves. The book targets an audience who still appreciates the solitude of reading and dwelling in hand-crafted language. I will focus on diction, syntax, and specific details to develop euphorically pleasing language in the presentation of my argument—developed through a third-person-limited narration of my self-realization, lending myself as an example for others.
The reading experience will be simple, fun, and timeless with a deep message of inner spirituality. It will address important topics such as greed, addiction, over-consumption of short-term gratification, as a direct result of lacking a home within ourselves. The book will examine the use of art—creation and appreciation—to enhance our relationships with the Creator and our understanding of our paths. Contemporary Individualism stands as a platform for my life philosophy, presented through my experiences and obsession to the ocean, language, and universal understanding.