Heart Actions

            Today, I focus on my heart—killing the ego once again, the persistent bastard. I become the path I travel from my head to my heart. My intention is to write for the love of creation and communication, not because it is something, I’ve told myself needs to happen. We evolve through leaps of faith in ourselves as creators and fractal points in a creation exponentially more complex than us.

            As I love myself, I become whole in unity with love and love returns to me tenfold. Once we see everyone as expansions of ourselves, they become mirrors and lessons along our path inward to the true self. My inner light brightens and my old perspective of who I am fades into time and space—what aspects are eternal? We survive through our impact. Energy such as love, imagination, endurance, joy, and discipline are boundless because when used they increase rather than deplete.

            The people that come into our lives and the times of our meetings are not coincidental. Friends, family, and strangers are meant as messengers when our perspectives shift to that of love. A couple nights ago, I Face-timed one of my best friends, who I haven’t talked to in a while. Alex is one of those friends that always wants the best for me, even when I am too blind to want the best for myself. Alex expects a lot out of me, just as he does himself—it’s all love. But he is a total badass.

            In moments of imbalance it’s easier not to talk to him than to face up to the fact that I’m not where I could be if I focused more on my goals. Everyone needs these types of people in their lives. People that push us to evolve even in their absence. Although everyone knows you have to do it for yourself. In his loving way, he reminded me how many times we’ve had a similar conversation. I know—only actions will give my words weight again.

            We laughed and he pointed out that I used to be so proud that I held more vision or wisdom that most people my age, but inaction sours any understandings we think we may hold. This conversation was a subtle reminder that there is no destination and therefore no one in front or behind anyone else. In fact, we are all projections of a single consciousness; how then is a mind bent on competition healthy? This is one of the biggest lies told by the ego; it creates separation in the mindset of me vs them. We must realize that our honest pace, is however long it takes for us to travel from the head into the heart. The journey back into our child-like selves.

             “Irie, allow me the strength to act from my heart in every moment and gain clarity in these actions. Irie, amen.”

            I once believed that prayer only benefits religious people. Now that I pray on a normal bases it reminds me of a time, I believed I could become a writer without being a proficient and deliberate reader. As we grow, we learn to laugh in the face of our mistaken interpretations. After wasting my energy in protests of reading and prayer, I’ve fallen into a state of pure love and amazement with both.

            The ability to immerse ourselves in a world beyond our own and feed our imaginations. Reading became my escape; how could anyone not be obsessed with the ability to traverse time and space and empathize with characters and situations we’ve never considered before. Why read? As a form of entertainment, it helps nurture creativity rather than numbing the mind into a state of hypnosis (which is how the TV gets us). This numb mentality lowers our awareness of ourselves. For me, life without reading is much like one without prayer.

            How does prayer help non-religious people? Based on my perspective, we do not have to be religious to have a personal relationship with our creator—whatever higher-power you believe in. Prayer itself is the act of alignment, the act of balance and harmony. As we pray, our actions, words, and thoughts come together in an act of communicating our heart and intentions to the universe. We do not speak to hear ourselves, but because there is a burden we cannot hold alone.

            The ego says, “I don’t like reading,” or “I don’t know how to pray.”

            Try again. Reading will always remain our greatest resource of knowledge. While prayer remains the single act of alignment. Try again, this time with faith. Have faith in what you pray for and it will be so. Divine communication transcends words into energy, so we must accept fully the role of our hearts and the truth of our energy in the present moment.

            Personally, I pray most often following meditation. Throughout the day, I may think of praying often but in this moment of stillness and certainty, I find confidence in my words and my purpose. We manifest the energy we emit into the world. As I escape the mind and act consciously through my heart, I become the path and the light.

Guidance, Blessings

Capt. BZ