
Checking in—even from Grenada it is impossible to write something and not give my prayers, love, respect, and best wishes to the Bryant Family. Like so many people, Kobe’s greatness inspired me—not only as an athlete, but as a human. This is the first time I’ve pulled out my laptop since the news hit my phone and not spent an hour watching countless Kobe videos: highlights, interviews, motivation, passion. The obsession, the Mamba Mentality is the way we should attack all obstacles in life. On this day, as every day, we celebrate the life of Kobe and Gianna by being the best versions of ourselves.

This walkabout is about becoming the greatest version of myself as I stretch my perspective through the opportunity to live spontaneously in the land of my oldest dreams. Each day, my actions remind me what is important: the people, the stories, the authentic-Caribbean experience. Truly though, the most important thing is creation—so I dump more time and focus into my writing. There is no other way.

The creative process looks a little like this: the sun bursts through my window and wakes me around 8 o’clock; I begin by stretching, smoking a spliff, knocking out a jailhouse workout, eating 3 PB&J’s, and then meditating. I sit on the rooftop with the soles of my feet together, an erect spine, closed eyes, and focused breath. It is only with a silent mind that we are able to communicate with God. (Without keeping track of time, I sit for 20-30 minutes). As is the Caribbean way, I go for a swim—another 30 minutes or so. By the time I dry off, my tea is ready; I pour a cup and begin to free-write.

Still in long hand, my book leaps forward in development in the last few days… The outline and character sketches continue to expand and the plot falls into place. As a writer, I don’t worry whether the audience has heard my message before; I envision the people who will grasp the words for the first time. Or even better, the people who may find a deep reminder of the loving message, the long-lost truth.

On this trip, I have spent my time focusing outward—the experiences, the flavors, I’ve never tasted before. Almost overlooking the light that shines within. Today, I refocus my passion; I’ve given myself the “free-time” most people only dream of. But I sit down and there is still the hurdle of getting started. Away from home, there is so much to see; at home, there is so much to do. There’s always an excuse not to create, not to live your best.

All of us must remember, everything for our happiness is kept inside, our spirit provides all that is. Our experience of the world is merely our perspective. Our light comes within—follow the path of your heart and you’ll never go wrong. Trust divine timing, but know you are meant to be more discipline… continue to grow. Your focus needs more focus—at least mine does. There is so much beauty in regrowth. Kobe would be disappointed if we remained distracted. Refocus. Grow.

Guidance, blessings

Capt. BZ