Hallow Words

Morning meditation—join me—choose a number between 1-9, have in mind your reason for choosing the number. My number is 3; take that many slow focused breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Release the number. Practice non-attachment in each breath: release expectations, judgement, and ego. As you continue reading, watch the words cross the page (the thoughts and emotions they may provoke) and release them in each exhale.

Be mindful of your spine; find a comfortable position with a straight spine. This allows your heart’s energy to flow more easily in each breath. Release all the knowledge accumulated in your mind, from a lifetime of experiences. Silence is bliss. With a silent mind we create space for our truth which is unnamable—remaining just beyond our heart’s horizon.

This silence, this truth, this mindfulness is the sincerest form of prayer. We live in a reality of hollow words.  Simple symbols taken as truth—we mark-up maps and act as if we’ve traveled. Words taken on face-value are meaningless. Lies plague our society; the truth is unrecognizable. The most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves. Lying to ourselves becomes so comfortable, it continues through our prayers.

We hide behind the words we think God wants to hear; unaware He only hears the truth of our hearts. The words we speak are for ourselves, affirmations towards manifestation. Our minds lie to heal their ego. When these lies catch us and we believe them; we forfeit our consciousness for lower pleasure: short-term gratification.

Because God listens to the heart (divine communication) and not words (man’s communication), our prayer becomes pure when we silence even the consideration of words. In this way, we sit with God and listen to our heart’s truth together. Learn to communicate absent the spectrum of language.

I refuse to point fingers, but everyone can think of situations where someone they love (including themselves) has hidden behind a lie they’ve told and grown to believe. Over the past five years, I’ve lied to myself more than I can count. Become aware of these lies and grow past them. Everyone grows conscious in perfect timing, but that doesn’t exclude self-discipline.

Rather, when you realize discipline is required for divine manifestation, you become a step closer to actualizing your truth. One of my biggest lies—discipline doesn’t require sobriety. I point to all of the times I got-by and succeeded in life high or intoxicated. I used them as proof, not realizing how far I was from my potential. When we become aware of the impact our actions have on our lives and the lives of others, we begin to align with our true heart.

Free-writing is a meditation I find helpful. The mind is absent, simply watching words form across the page and then releasing them, never to be read twice—until gold appears in the murky water. A month before leaving on this year’s walkabout, I practiced in the normal fashion: juggling rum and smoke in my left hand as my right raced down the page. My eyes chased the words three lines above my pen; I paused and reread the last sentence—God, lend me your discipline to jump-start my own. My eyes mirrored the line. My pen sat patiently waiting.

Booming silence crept through the boat’s cabin. Time dissolved into watered down rum and clear air flowing, where the smoke so recently hung.

“God, lend me your discipline to jump-start my own.” I spoke to the breeze.

Truth shivered through my being in reply: “Are these words true to your heart?”

Trying to convince myself, I poured my glass of rum in the sink and tossed the second half of my toke overboard. “It’s true,” I told myself. “I’m ready. God, allow me your discipline, so I may become a discipline writer.”

Silence struck again. This time, I reasoned with myself—God is limitless and you have requested His discipline, a discipline just as limitless as He; yet you limit yourself in your request.

And then God spoke, “My discipline is yours, as long as your heart aligns with your path. Man’s perception of time has no weight over I, the creator of consciousness. My discipline was within your reach for the last 10,000 years, but this is the first time you’ve mentioned it. Are you ready?”


Cloaked in God’s love, I understood just as His discipline has been with me for 10,000 years, it would continue to be so—for He is a wise and loving God. And so, I looked into my heart, tired and intoxicated, it wasn’t yet my time. I went to sleep comfortable in the realization, God’s discipline is my own, when my heart aligns with His.

I lied to God; said I was ready: hollow words. These do not bother the Creator because He knows our truth. Forgive yourself, forget the lies, find silence and truth. Align your heart with His and allow Him to aid your weaknesses and lighten your burdens. Realize words, like road-maps, are helpful guides—but fall far short of experience, energy, and truth.

Take a vow of truth in your heart and live solely for this purpose. Be guided by intuition and keep forgiveness and gratefulness at the center of your message. Learn, appreciate, and teach Divine Love and Timing. Consider words’ intentions and energy when following their guide. We may finally know ourselves in silence—absent hollow words.

Guidance, Blessings

Capt. BZ