
Pleasure Storms

Pleasure Storms

Books, art, history, and God are taken from the people in any totalitarian style government. Still people ask me why I am a writer—why my dream is to write books in a time when nobody reads. This never discourages me, but raises awareness to how easily a large percentage of the population would forfeit literature and art. This creates urgency behind my message and purpose as a writer. Following the crowd will lead you off the cliff every time. We have seen first-hand how easily the media controls the masses.



“Irie” in my vocabulary has taken on the duty of “God”. A constant reminder that God is unnamable and unfathomable, I speak to my God as Irie. Inhale, Irie—exhale, gratitude. These mantras bring great stillness to my heart. I create, Irie—I am, gratitude. I create as a mirror image of my creator. Also, I create Irie; I create my perspective of God, my interpretations, beliefs, and relationship with God are a result of my consciousness.

Hallow Words

Hallow Words

This silence, this truth, this mindfulness is the sincerest form of prayer. We live in a reality of hollow words. Simple symbols taken as truth—we mark-up maps and act as if we’ve traveled. Words taken on face-value are meaningless. Lies plague our society; the truth is unrecognizable. The most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves. Lying to ourselves becomes so comfortable, it continues through our prayers.

More than Carnival

More than Carnival

There is great clarity once we understand divine timing and accept our role in walking the path: a spontaneous, individual trek leading toward the horizon. I began writing this morning from Trinidad and am logging off from Dominica. Although I’m home next week, there is a reason and purpose for my being here. I remain humble and grateful for each present moment. Each breath is a life of its own. In following your own light, others are led to do the same. Manifest your dreams one day at a time.