I am Air

Checking in—on the last day of my 23rd year. Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a cliff on Dominica and could see Guadeloupe and two smaller islands. My imagination jumped into the gusting wind and like the sea I stretched from shore to shore touching each grain of sand, running my presence over each island. This was a moment of great euphoria. My lifelong dream seemed more possible than ever before. I traded my mind for presence; forfeiting my mind to the Caribbean Sea, its rightful home.

From Dominica, I celebrate a great year of action. Coming to the Caribbean, I fulfill the intentions I set for myself this time last year. This is how we evolve—through deliberate action. This year, my Kobe Year, 2-4, will be a year of creation. My heart’s calling is creation. Create for the sake of breath—with knowledge that if creation is not spontaneous and adventurous, our breath loses purity. So, artists create the same way they breathe, in order to live.

As my next trip around the sun takes off, I am grateful for the vision of God’s grace. With divine eyes, the whole world is my mirror, and with His ears even silence breathes harmony of existence. It’s God’s love that grants us free-will, the opportunity to live, the presence of Today. I am grateful for my family and understand I am a result of their love.

On this day, although you can not see me, know I am there. In every empty space and silent moment, I am there. I forfeit all form and so I am air. I am neither the inhale or exhale, but the infinite process of breath. In the wind, I travel from coast to coast never questioning where I’m going or where I come from—I belong everywhere. I am air.

Feel my gentle caress against your skin, my lips against your head. I love you. But I no longer exist and so find me deep within your love. When there is nothing else, know I am there. This is a magnificent time to be alive, especially for those whose vision escapes perceived time. Unite with the universe as I; find comfort in emptiness and a companion in solitude—this is God’s love. When I say God, know God is unnamable, so I adopt a common name to connect with more people. I forfeit even my spirit in faith of God’s plan for me. I am He and I am She—in me, God is whole; God is aware and breathing. I am the breath: the air.

I am the stillness and the silence of your relaxation; do you recognize me? I assure you have never seen me like this before. Air transforms alchemically into consciousness. Have you realized yet, we were born for this? Compassion overtakes fear so I forfeit all form. Here and there, air is air. 

Guidance, Blessings

Capt. BZ