
Pleasure Storms

Pleasure Storms

Books, art, history, and God are taken from the people in any totalitarian style government. Still people ask me why I am a writer—why my dream is to write books in a time when nobody reads. This never discourages me, but raises awareness to how easily a large percentage of the population would forfeit literature and art. This creates urgency behind my message and purpose as a writer. Following the crowd will lead you off the cliff every time. We have seen first-hand how easily the media controls the masses.



“Irie” in my vocabulary has taken on the duty of “God”. A constant reminder that God is unnamable and unfathomable, I speak to my God as Irie. Inhale, Irie—exhale, gratitude. These mantras bring great stillness to my heart. I create, Irie—I am, gratitude. I create as a mirror image of my creator. Also, I create Irie; I create my perspective of God, my interpretations, beliefs, and relationship with God are a result of my consciousness.