My Path

Checking in—sitting at my desk in Trinidad on my second full day. Our experiences shape our perspective and therefore our lives. My time thus far in the Caribbean is more valuable than the finest treasure the world has to offer. Each day reassures me; I am exactly where I am meant to be in the universe, physically, mentally, and spiritually. For those who may have never felt this way, it is sublime, almost unexplainable. The path I walk belongs to me and no one else.

The last few days I spent in Grenada were jammed full of as much adventure as I could fit into them. As if looking at the island with a new set of eyes, I realized there was so much I hadn’t seen. In the 10 days I rented the scooter, I logged over 500 miles—luckily, with no extra charge. Still, in these last few days I found beaches off the beaten path and villages who haven’t seen a tourist in quite some time.

With my flight date quickly approaching, I spent my last full day on a round trip to Carricaou. The ferry ride gave me a taste of island hopping by sea. That is what fills my dreams and always has. Watching the luscious green hills, jeweled by houses, shrinking along the horizon as sea birds swoop down and snatch flying fish from between the waves. Sea spray reaching over the bow and cooling my skin from the Caribbean heat.

My taxi driver/tour guide, Junie, was one of a kind. As we set off from the ferry-landing he said, “Welcome to Carricaou—where there is only one police station, one hospital, one ambulance, one gas station, and one Junie.” He wasn’t lying. I highly recommend searching out Junie, if you find yourself lucky enough to land on Carricaou. He takes his job very seriously and has for the last two decades. The tour was flavored with bits of wisdom and comedy that make a lasting impact.

My first night in Trinidad, the host of my Airbnb dropped me at the opening night of the local art exhibit—Carnival on Canvas. Just based on these elaborate, colorful paintings and photography I realized that I truly have no idea what I’m getting myself into here. I travel and live without setting any expectations. This way, there is never any disappointment. It allows me to act spontaneously in the moment. The more we consider tomorrow, the less present we live today.

Today, I write and meditate in the gardens of the estate I’m living on for the next two weeks. I’ve read about 50 pages and taken two naps in my hammock. This is a whole new level of limin’ (chillin’). I type a sentence and then breathe the fragrance of the flowers beside and in front of me. Jimmy Buffett plays in the background and I am at peace. Maybe I will go for a hike in a little while, or I may unfold the layers of my book onto pages in my computer. We will see.


Guidance, Blessings

Capt. BZ